Thursday, July 1, 2010

Welcome to the Family!

[Four Generations - from left to right: My mom (Mimi), Me, Kate, Mamaw (Kate's Great Grandmother)]

[Kyle's mom (Grandma) and Kate]

[Aunt Alli and Kate]

[Aunt Carrie and Kate]

[Grandma, Aunt Alli, Grandpa and Kate]

[Kate with her Great Grandmother]

[Kyle, Me and Kate with Kyle's Parents]

[Kyle, Me and Kate with my Parents]

[Me, Kate and her Great Grandmother]

[Mimi and Papa with Kate]

[Mimi and Kate]

[Kate with her Great Grandmother]

[Kate being admired by her Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather]

[My dad (papa) and Me and Kate]

[Papa with Kate]

We have had so many visitors over the last two weeks and Kate has been officially welcomed to the family by so many proud relatives! Thought I'd share a few of the pics we took with Kate with some very meaningful people in our lives who love her so very much!!! She's a pretty lucky girl!

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